Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 10, 2013

Hi Folks, we received a small amount of rain over the weekend and are expecting more substantial precipitation on Monday.  We are scrambling to get the harvesting done ahead of what may be strong storms and heavy downpours. We have also been very busy bringing in an abundant winter squash crop before the groundhogs and wet conditions begin to take their toll. My crew has also been working hard to finish harvesting the potato crop while the dry conditions permit the digging machine to function properly. Bean picking has also been occupying a lot of our time, with a crop of edamame soybeans now mature. All this busy talk leads up to me breaking the news that we have not been able to harvest the sweet potatoes yet. I know that I promised them for this week, but it will have to wait until the next delivery.

We have abundant greens at present and that should be the case for the remainder of the season. At this point the only limiting factors on how much greenery we can provide you are the time we have for harvesting and the member’s ability to consume so many greens in one week. The broccoli raab looks beautiful but, as always, is being slow to form its flower buds. We also have some gailan, aka Chinese broccoli, which, as with broccoli raab, are mostly leaves with small buds.  There is also a beautiful purple bok choi for you to enjoy.

We will double up on the root vegetables this week with radishes and parsnips. There are still some tomatoes, but we will take a week off from the peppers. The members who received edamame last week will get greens beans and vice versa.

The share for this week will be: Romaine lettuce, purple bok choi, choice of arugula or mizuna or broccoli raab, tomatoes, radishes, parsnips, choice of spinach or tatsoi, broccoli, garlic, choice of cilantro or dill, potatoes, butternut squash and either string beans or edamame soybeans.

Enjoy! Farmer John