This recipe takes Julia Child’s recipe for cream of cucumber soup and turns it into a healthier zucchini version.
This surprisingly easy and tasty recipe is from The Complete Book of Soups and Stews by Bernard Clayton Jr. It is great served hot or cold and freezes well. Try it with all the different varieties of green beans we receive.
Hello everyone, The good news for this week is that we received some much needed rain. The bad news is that now we’re getting a little too much rain at a time when we are trying to harvest the garlic and onion crop. It certainly seemed that Murphy’s Law was in full effect this week.
So what exactly is summer squash? How is it different from its cousin, winter squash? Simply put, summer squash are those types harvested during the growing season, when the fruit is immature and the skin tender.
Hi Folks, Hot enough for you? It was a rough week for my workers and me, trying to work in this heat. And most of the plants, even the heat loving ones, don’t really thrive above 90 degrees. It’s been dry as well, with several promised thunderstorms failing to materialize; we haven’t had a good rain in several weeks.
Hello Everyone, Well I have finally finished planting the winter squash and the edamame soybeans. Better late than never is an expression that doesn’t quite work in farming, but with a little rain and plenty of sun for these next 2 months there should still be a decent harvest. The varieties which were seeded first have germinated well and I have already cultivated them twice, since the grass in this former hayfield is also germinating quite prolifically.
Hi Folks, It was another hectic week at the farm, but a lot was accomplished. One of the major projects that has been worrying me for the last several weeks was the laying of a waterline 500 ft. across horse paddocks, to get water to the crops planted in my newly rented field. There are eggplant, peppers, ground cherries, melons, and other crops planted in this field in plastic mulch covered beds.
Hi Everyone, As we head into the dog days of summer we continue to be plagued with the problem of bolting. We are just finishing the harvest of the first planting of lettuce and the second planting is already showing signs of shooting up their flower stalks. The cooler is already jammed full of tubs of lettuce and there are thousands of heads in the field that must be cut or will be lost.