Monthly Archive: September 2008

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News-September 25, 2008

Hi Everyone,

We’ve enjoyed spectacularly beautiful weather these past 2 weeks but now we are in need of rain once again. There is a chance for some showers at the end of this week, meanwhile it’s back to moving the sprinklers around! Most of the seed I have been planting these past 2 weeks has germinated well, and I continue to plant, at least for a few more days. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- September 18, 2008

Hello Everyone!

As I predicted the bountiful rain of last weekend has worked miracles on my fields. The fall brassicas and lettuces are growing spectacularly and the many thousands of seeds I planted before the storm have germinated nicely. I am taking advantage of the moist soil to continue planting more radishes, turnips, spinach, arugula and other mustard greens. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- September 11, 2008

Hey Folks!

Well, we finally received the much needed rain that we’ve been waiting on. A little over 2” fell overnight this past Saturday. I had pretty much known that our best chance for a good soaking would be from a hurricane, but I dreaded the potential damage of high winds and severe downpours that can accompany this type of storm. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- September 4, 2008

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a pleasant Labor Day. There won’t be much of a holiday for us here on the farm. With a market and deliveries to prepare for, a day off just isn’t possible, although we will try to knock off a little earlier than usual. (more…)