While we try to provide you with timely recipes each week, we are sure that there are moments when you are looking for something new to do with the variety of vegetables sitting in your refrigerator. That’s when it’s important to have a few cookbooks at the ready to find a new twist for the everyday (and sometimes not so everyday) veggies.
Some of our favorites are:
Simply Organic—A Cookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, and Local Ingredients by Jesse Ziff Cool.
This book was given to me as a gift, and it lists recipes roughly by season. I have tried several out of here, and have never had a bad result. And the pictures are inspiring.
How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman.
The New York Times recipe king has a tome that contains recipes for everything you could ever hope to cook. I’ve been told it’s a bit too loose for some who like very precise recipes, but I love to tweak recipes, so it works for me.
The Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook
I know. It’s a basic, but there are a few good uses for vegetables in here (zucchini bread and pumpkin bread come to mind) as well as simple fruit deserts for those of you who are getting a fruit share. It is a great basic cookbook.