Hi All! The weather has certainly been beautiful lately – plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. The only issue for us here on the farm is that there has been no rain now for nearly two weeks. Several predicted rain events never materialized and the best chance for precipitation this week are several days offering a fifty percent chance. We are busy moving the sprinklers around the fields to germinate seeds and keep the crops growing, but some help from Mother Nature would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Everyone! So, the sun is slowly setting on the solanaceous crops. Almost all the field tomatoes have succumbed to disease. The eggplant and peppers have fruit set and are still flowering, but the fruit is growing and maturing very slowly. We will send one more round of eggplant over the next two weeks, with peppers for those groups for whom there is not enough eggplant.
Hello Folks! We received ¾ inch of precipitation in about 2 hours from the storms that passed through last Saturday afternoon. A slower, gentler rain would have been better, but we take what we can get. We have been busy transplanting and direct seeding fall crops, and a substantial rain was helpful for sprouting seeds and rooting of the seedlings. The forecast looks a bit dry for the next week, so we may need to start moving the irrigation equipment around the fields. The cool weather has been slowing down the growth of the warm weather crops, peppers, eggplant, and…
Hi All, I hope you had a pleasant holiday weekend. What holiday was it? Oh yes… Labor Day, well that was what we all did here, down on the farm. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day or days in the week – a day off just isn’t in the cards. We will rest in the wintertime!
Hi Folks! We had a little taste of fall there for a few days, but now the temperatures are creeping back up toward the nineties. It will only be for a few days and, blessedly, it is still cooling off at night. More importantly, it has been dry, allowing the fields to dry out enough to proceed with the fall planting – spinach, arugula, baby bok choi, and broccoli raab – to name just a few.
Hello All! Another week, another strong storm. We got two inches in about 2 hours. I’d love to complain about it, but after hearing about the flooding and ten inches that hit Connecticut, I don’t feel I have the right. Anyway, no new wind damage, and we will wait to see how the seeds planted in the days before the storm fare. And we will wait until the ground dries out a bit, and plant some more.
Hi Folks, We were spared by the remnants of Hurricane Debby last week. Another two inches of rain fell but the worst of the winds seemed to have passed to our north. The plastic was ripped off one of our small greenhouses, but no other damage was sustained. This week’s share will be much like the last – we are continuing to send ground cherries to those who have not yet received them. Beans are back for everyone, and we have some nice lettuce. Those who received melons last time will get corn this time around and vice versa. We…
Hello Folks! So, we have quickly gone from not enough rain to way too much. We received nearly two inches in the past 4 days, and the worst part is that it has come with powerful storms and damaging winds. One of our greenhouses was severely damaged and two exceptionally large and many smaller trees have fallen on our fences. Additionally, the trellising for our tomatoes and cucumbers has been damaged, as has the netting we suspended over the watermelons to keep the crows from destroying the crop. The saturated ground makes it impossible to seed fall crops and difficult…
Hi Everyone! We have not had much rain this past week, but at least the temperatures have been moderate. We have a few chances for precipitation during the week ahead, which would be appreciated. We add another member of the Solanums to the line up this week – peppers. We will be sending green ones for the next few weeks until they begin to ripen to red, yellow, and orange.
Hi All! We finally received some substantial precipitation last week. In total nearly two inches of the wet stuff fell – a torrential downpour in the afternoon and then more heavy rain overnight. More than we would have liked of course, but we are accustomed to the “feast or famine” nature of the weather these days.