• News

    Farm News- June 16, 2011

    Hi Folks, The week you have been waiting for has arrived-the first delivery of the season. This is the week that my crew and I have been working and preparing for since March. It’s also the week that I have been worrying and fretting over for about the last month; would there be anything to deliver?

  • News

    Farm News- December 2, 2010

    Hello Folks, I hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving. Here at the farm we are grateful for relatively moderate temperatures during November. Thanks to the mild weather and to some hardy volunteers who came out to the farm this past Sunday we will have a fair amount of greens to distribute along with the stock up delivery this week.

  • News

    Farm News- November 18, 2010

    Hi Folks, The crops continue to grow very slowly, but that’s the way it is in November. We do have some broccoli that is big enough to cut, although not as large as I would have liked. We will continue the broccoli/ cauliflower alternation again this week, with Tues. and Wed. groups getting broccoli and the Thursday groups receiving cauliflower.

  • News

    Farm News- November 11, 2010

    Hello Everyone, We are rapidly approaching the end of the season, and none too soon for my workers who are trying to endure the cold weather we have had this past week. The fields here are very open and the winds are often very strong. The crops have endured several nights of low 20’s temperatures with little damage, but things are growing very slowly.

  • News

    Farm News- November 4, 2010

    Hi Folks, It’s been a very warm fall up to now, but now it would seem we are quickly entering winter. We have had lows in the upper 20’s these past few nights and today they are predicting lows in the lower 20’s for Tuesday night. We are scrambling to harvest or cover anything that might be damaged by these frigid temperatures.

  • News

    Farm News- October 14, 2010

    Hi Folks, We had our first frost this past Saturday night. As warm as it has been, I was hoping we would get a couple more weeks from the warm weather crops. The old saying “you can’t always get what you want” is especially true in farming.

  • News

    Farm News- October 7. 2010

    Hi Folks, The dry spell has officially ended! I guess it’s too much to ask, to have a balance between the sunshine and the rain and we have to accept the feast or famine pattern that has become the norm. Fortunately the fields here in Andover are very well drained and have been able to absorb the 7” of water that fell last week with no flooding. The greatest challenge during long rainy stretches is getting the harvesting done.

  • News

    Farm News- September 30, 2010

    Howdy Folks, Summer has officially ended and with it go the warm weather crops. The tomatoes are definitely over for the season; the peppers should continue producing for a few more weeks. The eggplants are full of small fruit but they are sizing up very slowly.