Adapted by Melissa Clark of the NY Times last December (link) from The Mile End Cookbook by Noah and Rae Bernamoff, this recipe makes about 4 dozen latkes. With the Holidays just around the corner, there is no reason to swap the celeriac now (Hint: celeriac keeps for months if you can store between 30 and 40 degrees and don’t allow them to dry out)!
From The Food Network magazine, this recipe serves 4. It is a nice addition to our repertoire for green beans, regardless of how sweet and delicious Farmer John’s beans are all by themselves.
Taken from a 2008 issue of Gourmet magazine, this recipe is as timely today as it was then!
From the food blog comes this delicious recipe.
Another parsnip recipe from Cook’s Illustrated.
Chimichurri is an Argentinian sauce simi- lar to pesto. It is usually used as a mari- nade for grilled steak, but can also be used just as a spread over some crusty bread.The variations are endless with this recipe.