Weekly Shares 2024


Week #1 6/13
Basic: 1 head red leaf lettuce, 2 bunches spinach, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch choice of arugula or tatsoi, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, or mint), 3 summer squash, 9 garlic scapes, 1½ pounds English peas
Premium:  Basic share plus: 1 add’l choice of herbs, 1 add’l summer squash, 3 add’l garlic scapes, ½ pound add’l English peas, 1 head green leaf lettuce, 1 head bok choy, 1 head choice of escarole or endive
Fruit: 1 quart strawberries

Week #2 6/20
Basic:  1 head green leaf lettuce, 1 head red romaine lettuce, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch salad turnips, 2 bunches spinach, 1 bunch scallions, 1 bunch basil, 2 cucumbers, 3 zucchini, ¾ pounds sugar snap peas
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l zucchini, ¼ pound add’l sugar snap peas, 1 head choice of escarole or frisée, 1 bunch arugula, 1 bunch choice of herbs (oregano or marjoram)

Week #3 6/27
Basic:  1 head green romaine lettuce, 1 head red Boston lettuce, 1 head green cabbage, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch beets, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch yellow onions, ¾ pounds sugar snap peas, 3 summer squash, 3 cucumbers, 1 bunch choice of herbs (parsley, oregano, savory, thyme)
Premium:  Basic share plus: ¼ pound add’l sugar snap peas, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l choice of herbs, 1 head fennel, 1 head choice of escarole or frisée
Fruit: 2 pints blueberries

Week #4 7/4
Basic:  1 head green romaine lettuce, 1 head Cherokee lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 bunch white onions, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch choice of herbs (oregano, marjoram, cilantro, dill), 3 cucumbers, 3 summer squash, 9 garlic scapes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l choice of herbs, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l summer squash, 3 add’l garlic scapes, 1 head radicchio, ½ pound snow peas
Fruit:  1 bag sweet cherries, 1 bag black plums

Week #5 7/11
Basic:  1 head Cherokee lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 bunch beets, 1 bunch spinach, 1 bunch scallions, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, thyme, savory)  3 sweet yellow onions, 2 eggplant, 3 summer squash, 1½ pounds red thumb fingerling potatoes, 3 cucumbers
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l eggplant, 1 add’l summer squash, ½ pound add’l red thumb fingerling potatoes, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 head fennel, 1 head green romaine lettuce
Extra:  garlic scapes

Week #6 7/18
Basic:  1 head green romaine lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 head Savoy cabbage, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch rainbow carrots, 1 bunch choice of herbs (parsley, thyme, savory), 2 red torpedo onions, 4 cucumbers, 3 summer squash, 3 eggplant, 1½ pounds Russian Banana fingerling potatoes, ¾ pounds green beans
Premium:  Basic share plus: 1 add’l red torpedo onion, 2 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l eggplant, ½ pound add’l Russian Banana fingerling potatoes, ¼ pound add’l green beans, 1 head bok choy, 1 bunch scallions

Week #7 7/25
Basic:  1 bunch beets, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch choice of herbs (basil, thyme, chives, oregano), 3 eggplant, 3 cucumbers, 3 summer squash, 2 garlic, 4 tomatoes, ¾ pound green beans, ¾ pound wax beans, 1 heirloom tomato, 2 pounds red skin potatoes, 1 pint cherry tomatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus: 2 add’l eggplant, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l garlic, 1 add’l tomato, ¼ pound add’l green beans, ¼ pound add’l wax beans, 1 bunch broccoli
Extra:  tomatillos, garlic scapes
Fruit: 1 bag sweet cherries, 1 bag peaches

Week #8 8/1
Basic:  1 head green cabbage, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, thyme, chives), 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 3 peppers, 2 pounds gold potatoes, 1 pound Langerine Dragon beans, 2 eggplant, 2 summer squash, 2 cucumbers, 3 heirloom tomatoes, 3 tomatoes, 2 yellow onions
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l eggplant, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l heirloom tomato, 1 add’l tomato, 1 add’l yellow onion, 1 bag shallots, 1 pint ground cherries
Extra:  tomatillos
Fruit:  1 bag nectarines, 1 bag Shiro plums

Week #9 8/8
Basic:  2 heads red cabbage, 1 bunch kale, 2 onions, 1 bunch choice of herb (cilantro, dill, thyme, chives), 2 beets, 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 1 melon, 2 eggplant, 2 peppers, 2 summer squash, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1½ pounds Russian Banana fingerling potatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l onion, 1 add’l eggplant, 1 add’l pepper, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l tomato, ½ pound add’l Russian Banana fingerling potatoes, 1 pound green beans, 1 bunch scallions
Extra:  okra
Fruit:  1 bag yellow peaches, 1 pint blueberries

Week #10 8/15
Basic:  1 head green leaf lettuce, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, savory, thyme), 2 leeks, 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 2 eggplant, 1 pound green beans, 2 pounds red skin potatoes, 6 plum tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 3 ear sweet corn, 2 tomatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  2 add’l plum tomatoes, 1 add’l cucumber, 1 add’l ear sweet corn, 1 add’l tomato, 1 head fennel, 1 bunch dandelion greens
Fruit:  1 bag Zestar apples, 1 bag white peaches

Week #11 8/22
Basic:  1 head red leaf lettuce, 1 melon, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch scallions, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, thyme, savory), 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 2 beets, 2 pounds Gold potatoes, ¾ pound wax beans, ¾ pound green beans, 4 colored peppers, 4 ears sweet corn, 3 tomatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  ¼ pound add’l wax beans, ¼ pound add’l green beans, 2 add’l colored peppers, 2 add’l ears sweet corn, 1 add’l tomato, 1 head bok choy, 1 bag shallots

Week #12 8/29
Basic:  1 melon, 1 bunch rainbow carrots, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley), 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 2 sweet colored peppers, 2 summer squash, 2 garlic, 3 ears sweet corn, 1½ pounds red thumb fingerling potatoes, 1½ pounds green beans
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l sweet colored pepper, 1 add’l summer squash, 1 add’l garlic, 1 add’l ear sweet corn, ½ pound add’l red thumb fingerling potatoes, ½ pound add’l green beans, 1 pound Rattlesnake beans, 1 bag Shishito peppers
Extra:  tomatillos
Fruit:  1 bag Ginger Gold apples, 1 bag nectarines

Week #13 9/5
Basic:  1 spaghetti squash, 1 head bok choy, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 3 beets, 1 bag Shishito peppers, 2 summer squash, 2 pounds red skin potatoes, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley), 1 pound Rattlesnake beans, 2 red onions, 3 ears sweet corn
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l choice of herbs, ½ pound add’l Rattlesnake beans, 1 add’l red onion, 1 add’l ear sweet corn, 1 bunch scallions
Fruit:  1 bag Sweetie apples, 1 bag Santa Rosa plums

Week #14 9/12
Basic:  1 head Napa cabbage, 1 butternut squash, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bag shallots, 1 bag Shishito peppers, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, thyme, dill, chives), ¾ pound Rattlesnake beans, 1½ pound Russian Banana fingerling potatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  larger bag of shallots, 1 add’l choice of herbs, ¼ pound add’l Rattlesnake beans, ½ pound add’l Russian Banana fingerling potatoes, 1 bunch dandelion greens
Fruit:  1 bag Gala apples, 1 box hardy kiwifruit

Week #15 9/19
Basic:  1 head Cherokee lettuce, 1 head green cabbage, 2 Delicata squash, 1 bunch arugula, 1 bunch salad turnips, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, parsley, thyme), 3 eggplant, ¾ pound Haricot verts beans, 1½ pound red skin potatoes, 2 leeks
Premium:  Basic share plus:  ¼ pound add’l Haricot verts beans, ½ pound add’l red skin potatoes, 1 bag goldenberries, 1 head endive frisée, 1 bunch scallions

Week #16 9/26
Basic:  1 head bok choy, 2 white acorn squash, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch beets, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, parsley, thyme), 3 green peppers, 2 heads garlic, 3 summer squash, ¾ pound Haricot verts beans
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l head garlic, 1 add’l summer squash, ¼ pound add’l Haricot verts beans, 1 bag Shishito peppers, 1 bunch shallots
Fruit:  1 bag Star Crimson apples, 1 box hardy Kiwifruit
Extra:  hot peppers

Week #17 10/3
Basic:  1 head red Boston lettuce, 1 spaghetti squash, 1 bunch kale, 1 head cauliflower, 1 bunch salad turnips, 1 bunch choice of arugula or broccoli raab, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro or thyme), 3 summer squash, ¾ pound wax beans, 2 pounds sweet potatoes, 3 onions
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l choice of herbs, 1 add’l summer squash, ¼ pound add’l wax beans, 1 pound add’l sweet potatoes, 1 add’l onion, 1 head endive frisée

Week #18 10/10
Basic:  1 head red leaf lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 bunch spinach, 1 bunch rainbow carrots, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, parsley, thyme), 3 leeks, 2 heads baby bok choy, 2 summer squash, 3 ornamental gourds, ¾ pound edamame soybeans, 3 ears sweet corn
Premium:  Basic share plus:  ¼ pound add’l edamame soybeans, 1 add’l ear sweet corn, 1 bunch kale, 1 head escarole
Fruit:  1 bag Jonagold apples, 1 bag Devoe pears

Week #19 10/17
Basic:  1 head Napa cabbage, 2 Delicata squash, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 head Chreokee lettuce, 1 bunch choice of herbs (parsley, thyme, sweet marjoram), 3 eggplant, 6 peppers, 2 beets, 3 daikon radishes, 2 pounds blue potatoes, 2 onions, 4 ears sweet corn, 1 pound Flageolet beans
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l onion, 2 add’l ears sweet corn, 1 add’l pound Flageolet beans, 1 bag Shishito peppers, 1 pound edamame soybeans

Week #20 10/24
Basic:  1 head red leaf lettuce, 2 acorn squash, 1 bunch kohlrabi, 1 bunch spinach, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch rainbow carrots, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch choice of herbs (parsley, thyme, oregano), 2 peppers, 1 bag shallots, 2 pounds sweet potatoes, 3 ears sweet corn
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l pound sweet potatoes, 1 add’l ear sweet corn, 1 head endive frisée, 1½ pounds Flageolet beans
Fruit:  1 bag Fuji apples, 1 bag Asian pears

Week #21 10/31
Basic:  1 head Romaine lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 head green cabbage, 1 buttercup squash, 2 heads bok choy, 1 bunch salad turnips, 1 bunch choice of arugula or tatsoi or broccoli raab, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, parsley, thyme), 3 onions, 3 parsnips, 2 pounds white sweet potatoes, 1 bunch spinach
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l onion, 1 add’l parsnip, 1 pound add’l white sweet potatoes, 1 add’l bunch spinach, 5 peppers, 1 head choice of escarole or endive frisée
Fruit:  1 bag D’anjou pears, 1 bag Stayman apples
Extra:  cranberry beans

Week #22 11/7
Basic:  1 head mixed lettuce, 1 head cauliflower, 1 rutabaga, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch spinach, 1 bunch choice of arugula or tatsoi or broccoli raab, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro or dill), 5 baby bok choy 2 Honeynut squash, 2 garlic, 2 pounds orange sweet potatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l Honeynut squash, 1 add’l garlic, 1 pound add’l orange sweet potatoes, 1 bunch radishes, 1 pound sunchokes

Week #23 11/14
Basic:  1 head cauliflower, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch Swiss chard, 1 bunch salad turnips, 1 bunch choice of arugula or broccoli raab or mustard greens, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, thyme, dill), 2 beets, 2 leeks, 2 choice of squash (Sweet Dumpling or Carnival), ¾ pound Brussels sprouts, 1½ pound fingerling potatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l choice of squash, ¼ pound add’l Brussels sprouts, ½ pound add’l fingerling potatoes, 1 head Cherokee lettuce, 1 winter squash
Fruit:  1 bag Red D’anjou pears, 1 bag Pink Lady apples
Extra:  ornamental gourds

Week #24 11/21
Basic:  1 head cauliflower, 1 head Napa cabbage, 1 Buttercup squash, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 rutabaga, 1 bunch rainbow carrots, 1 bunch radishes, 1 bunch choice of kale or Swiss chard, 1 bunch choice of arugula or tatsoi, 1 bunch choice of herbs (cilantro, dill, or sage), 1 bunch baby bok choy, 1 bag shallots, 2 pounds red skin potatoes, 2 pounds Japanese sweet potatoes
Premium:  Basic share plus:  1 add’l pound Japanese sweet potatoes, 1 pound sunchokes, 1 bunch broccoli raab
Extra:  ornamental gourds and onions