Hello Folks,
This past week we transplanted the last of the lettuces and planted the last seeds for crops to be harvested this year. We have almost finished harvesting the winter squash, with only some spaghetti squash left to gather. The only major harvest left is the potato crop which we will be digging over the next week or two. We began digging some of the potatoes planted in my new field and they are large and beautiful, so the hours of work invested in battling the grasses there has proved worthwhile. I am preparing ground to plant cover crops and for garlic, which we will be planting in early November. We still have some peppers and eggplant left, but this will be the last week for these crops. Broccoli is beginning to form heads so I expect we will have sufficient quantities for distribution next week. We will be shipping pumpkins this week. There will be a choice of one large or two small pumpkins; some of the large ones will be ornamentals and some with grey or flesh colored skins which are good eating. All of the small pumpkins are good to eat or can be used for decoration. The share for this week will be: Potatoes , eggplant, peppers, garlic, Chinese (Napa) cabbage, Romaine lettuce, radishes, white acorn squash, choice of pumpkins, choice of two greens (arugula, tatsoi, mustard greens, escarole, endive,) choice of an herb (dill, cilantro, parsley).
Farmer John