Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- July 2, 2009

Hi Folks,

Well it seems that we are in for another week of scattered thunderstorms. Hopefully it won’t be quite as bad as this past month has been. We were caught out in the field several times this past week as strong storms rolled through unexpectedly. They always seem to come at the most inopportune times, such as in the middle of transplanting or with me on the tractor in one field and my workers scat- tered around in others and needing to be picked up.

We were finally able to transplant the melons this past week and a few thousand lettuce plants. We were interrupted by one of the storms while planting the lettuce and a dozen or so flats had to be left in the barn out of sun (sun? what sun?) for several days because they had already been pulled from their cells. We were finally able to finish the job on Saturday evening; working around a couple of passing showers and plodding through the mud. In spite of the difficult weather many crops are doing great and have recovered fairly well from the hail damage.

The carrot crop looks good and we should have them in the share in another 2 or 3 weeks. The beets are coming along and should start sizing up soon as well. The Chinese (napa) cabbage is heading up and should be ready in 2 weeks. In the meantime there’s lots of broccoli coming on and it should be in the shares for the next several weeks.

The share for this week will be:
Radishes, mustard greens, broccoli, peas, red leaf lettuce, choice of escarole or endive, bok choy, and choice of cilantro or dill.

Farmer John