Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- October 6, 2011

Hi Folks,

I guess I spoke too soon last week about dodging a bullet, as the scattered storms of the week brought us another 5 inches of rain. The creek did once again rise and form a lake in the field with the brassicas, drowning a few more plants on the edges of the previous inundation. While I enjoy bird watching, I am not happy to see ducks swimming and egrets wading in my fields. Many of the sayings involving 3’s have been rattling around in my brain- bad things always come in threes, 3 strikes you’re out, and perhaps the most apropos, going down for the third time! The truth is that not much additional damage was done to the brassicas, but many parts of all my fields are muddy messes- impassable by tractor and treacherous by foot.

We had been trying to harvest as many potatoes as possible ahead of the showers, but tractor problems stymied these efforts. By the time the tractor tire was fixed and the leaky hydraulic line replaced, it was again to wet use the potato digger. I am rather worried that more tubers will begin to rot.

On a happier note, we have abundant greens for this week and for many to come. There is some broccoli raab and lots of arugula. The spinach looks gorgeous and should be abundant during the month ahead.

We are digging the last of the spring planted carrots, but the fall crop will be ready in another couple of weeks. The fall crop of beets is also looking good and I expect them to be ready in about 2 weeks. We also have parsnips and celery root to look forward to in the near future.

For this week you will have to be content with everyone’s favorites (not), radishes. We have a Japanese variety called Shunkyo semi-long which are generally a little milder. Keep in mind that radishes can be cooked and are good in soups or stir fries. We will be sending spaghetti squash this week and I must again warn against holding on to it for too long- use it or lose it!

We are still picking beans, although in the wet field this means sinking up to our ankles in mud. We are waiting on Vermont cranberry beans, more lima beans, and perhaps a few edamames. The next round of lettuce is still a bit small, so we will have to skip it for this week. I planted sufficient quantities of both green and Napa cabbage for 1 each for all the members, unfortunately these were among the flood casualties; so we can only offer a choice between the two.

The share for this week will be:
Carrots, potatoes, garlic, spinach, radishes, arugula or brocoli raab, spaghetti squash, green or Napa cabbage, and choice of dill or cilantro.

Farmer John