We will be offering one additional share to be delivered during the week of November 22th (Thanksgiving week). This will be a “stock up” share and will include various vegetables that store well, so that you will be able to enjoy produce from the farm well into the winter months as well as provide veggies for your Thanksgiving feast. The total weight of this share will be between 50 and 60 lbs. Approximately a third of the share will be an assortment of butternut, acorn, buttercup (kabocha), delicata, and sweet dumpling squash. The share will also include an assortment of…
Hello Everyone! So after the ice had melted and a few days had gone by we were able to assess the damage from last week’s deep freeze. It was fairly substantial; many crops that are generally quite hardy had leaves burned and appeared quite droopy for several days. Some have recovered and others are still trying to come back. The Swiss chard was badly damaged and probably won’t recover. The kale had a lot of leaves burned but is beginning to grow again; we just need to let it rest a bit. The broccoli and cauliflower had leaf damage as…
Hello Folks, We had a flurry of weather events over the weekend including a brief flurry of snow. On Friday night we had our first frost of the season followed by our first hard freeze on Saturday and again on Sunday night. We had 26 degrees at 6 AM Sunday morning and 24 degrees this morning – brrrrr! Last week in preparation, we were scurrying about trying to harvest anything that would be damaged and covering a few crops we thought maybe we could save.
Hello Everyone! So the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder. While it is forecast to be a mild fall with above normal average temps we will still have a killing frost soon — probably next weekend. This past weekend we had a very light frost which blackened some of the sweet potato leaves and burned the pepper plants slightly. This normal and expected and most of what we grow for the final weeks of the season can tolerate frost and even a hard freeze.
Hi Folks, so after much premature hysteria we were spared from the wrath of Hurricane Joaquin. We nevertheless received about 3½ inches of rain from 3 days of drizzle and occasional showers. This will be beneficial to most of the crops, especially the brassicas and the root vegetables, but as previously mentioned will speed the demise of the tomatoes.