Farm News – July 19, 2021

Circle Brook Farm
Circle Brook Farm

Hi Folks! So the everyday rain seems to have abated and the temperatures moderated – at least for now. Hopefully we can get back on track with the planting schedule. It is time to plant lots of carrots for the fall crop and more spinach and beets, just to name a few things. So far we have been lucky – no damage from wind or hail, which has been around with these strong storms.

The beans are coming in heavy now, so much so that we cannot keep up with picking them. We have some volunteers from Local Share, a group which collects excess produce to deliver to food banks, coming tomorrow. This Sunday will be another opportunity for members to come out and lend a hand. Thanks to those who came out these last three weekends to help pull garlic and shallots and pick beans. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

So, one of the most frequent complaint of CSA members seems to be: too much cabbage! I’m guessing that many of you still have all or most of the cabbage we sent two weeks ago. So, it is with some trepidation that I inform you that we are shipping you another head this week. The brassica family crops are very good for you – a good source of calcium and many other vitamins and minerals. Unlike broccoli and cauliflower, which are difficult to grow in the summer heat, cabbage is a dependable crop, and it stores well once picked. Unfortunately, it does not hold well in the field when it is mature, and our second planting came in right on the heels of the first. I would like to hold it here on the farm for a week or two, but we just do not have the refrigeration space. There are lots of great recipes for cabbage noodle kugel and other cabbage dishes online, and it’s great in a hardy borsch (something to do with those beets you’ve been holding on to). And of course, there is always cole slaw.

The share for this week will be: Beets, lettuce, summer squash, cucumbers, yellow onions, eggplant, string beans (green or wax), green peppers, kale, green cabbage, and choice of an herb (cilantro, dill, or parsley). Premium shares will also include shallots and a second type of bean. There will be a few tomatillos as an “extra”.

The fruit share remains on pause as we wait for more local fruit to become available.

Enjoy! Farmer John

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