Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 16, 2021

Hello Folks! So, we made it through the week of brutal heat and even got a little rain to keep things growing. As usual, just as you are about to despair about what to do with more eggplant – production has dropped. We will send a few as extras this week just for those of you who can’t get enough lol.

Cabbage is back – it’s savoy this time. We had to harvest it 2 weeks ago to keep it from splitting and getting ruined by the heat. It’s been in the cooler since then and my crew leader wanted to send it out last week. I told him we had to give y’all a break for at least one week. We still aren’t seeing very many colored peppers, so we will send you a few green ones. Once the nights get cooler they should start to ripen faster. The next big planting of sweet corn is coming on, but for this week it will be fingerling potatoes.

The share for this week will be: Beans, kale, beets, melon or watermelon, fingerling potatoes, ground cherries, tomatoes, peppers, savoy cabbage, goldenberries or cherry tomatoes, yellow onions, and basil. Premium shares will also include parsley, scallions, and chard. Extras will be eggplant, hot peppers, and tomatillos

The fruit share for this week will be: Harrow Delight pears and Blue gold plums.

Enjoy! Farmer John