Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 18, 2021

Hi All!  So, it was a good weather week, and the crops continue to grow nicely.  It looks as though we have one more week before the first frost of the season.  As forecast presently, it should be a light frost over two nights.  After that, it is expected to warm up a bit and stay balmy for another week.  Nice!

We have been sending you some string beans these last couple of weeks, even though I did not mention them in the update.  I wasn’t sure we would have enough for everyone.  We do expect to have sufficient quantities this week for a small, final round of them for all.  We continue to have lots of cauliflower heading up.  We should have enough for everyone over the next two weeks – we will substitute savoy cabbage when necessary. 

We are beginning to have some of the colored cauliflowers and a type called Romanesco, which I refer to as “the cauliflower from another planet”.  Romanesco is frequently cited as an example of a fractal – a repeating geometric pattern, that is said to contain infinity within a finite structure.  Too deep for me though, I just think it looks cool lol. 

As promised, we have spinach for you this time around, it’s still a bit small but it will be larger and more abundant with each passing week.  Spinach is very hardy and is completely unaffected by the frost.

The share for this week will be:  Lettuce, beans, peppers, fingerling potatoes, cauliflower or savoy cabbage, parsnips, arugula or tatsoi, spinach, salad turnips, sweet dumpling squash, red onions, and choice of an herb (parsley, cilantro, dill).  Premium shares will also include baby bok choi and choice of a second herb.

No fruit share this week.

Buen Provecho!  Farmer John