Farm News – August 15, 2022

Hi Folks, So the heat has broken, but still no rain. It seems we will have to wait another week for a 40% chance of precipitation. The drought is rally starting to hurt us, despite our best efforts to keep everything sprouting and growing. For now, the shares still look great.
We have some lettuce for you this week; a little on the small side but we had to cut them before the heat burned them up or caused them to bolt (that means shoot up a flower stalk, not head for the hills, as I am inclined to do). Melons continue to ripen, and the peppers are ripening to beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. The next planting of sweet corn is ready, with many more right behind it (assuming it will get to have a drink soon). We have been spraying the corn with a biological control for the earworms. I will not guarantee that they are completely bug free, but there are less, and they are quite small.
The share for this week will be: White onions, string beans, tomatoes, colored peppers, melons, beets, sweet corn, summer squash, lettuce, tomatoes, fingerling potatoes and choice of an herb. There will be okra and tomatillos as “extras.” Premium shares will also have a choice between arugula and Swiss chard.
We will be taking a pause from the fruit share this week.
Bon Appetit! Farmer John