Farm News – July 1, 2024

Circle Brook Farm
Circle Brook Farm

Hello everyone! We made it through the first heat wave and received about an inch and a half of rain since my last update. The precipitation came from two passing storms, the second of which dropped an inch in less than an hour. This is not ideal, because much of the water runs off and does not have a chance to soak in, but we take what we can get.

The temperatures have moderated, but the extreme heat took a toll. We lost a lot of lettuce, and we had to harvest a lot before it was ruined. In the summer months the lettuce will keep better in cold storage than it will in the field. The spinach has not been growing well and is turning yellow – the entire third planting will likely be lost. The peas have petered out – the severe weather just did not give our peas a chance. We normally have beans beginning as the peas pass, but they are just starting to flower and are a week or two away from being ready. We are in a bit of a lull, as we wait for the summer crops to start producing and transition out of the spring greens and brassicas. Nevertheless, it is a nice share for this week.

The shallots and garlic are ready to be harvested and it is a major endeavor. We are asking for volunteers to help with the harvest for this Sunday, July 7th and next Sunday July 14th at 10 AM. Bring gloves, sun protection, and plenty to drink. RSVP to

The share will be: Kale, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic scapes, fresh white onions, carrots, broccoli or cauliflower, zucchini, and choice of an herb (cilantro, dill, marjoram, or oregano). Premium shares will also include radicchio and a small amount of peas.

The fruit share will be: Cherries and black plums.

The flower share will be: Sunflowers for some and snapdragons for others.

Enjoy!  Farmer John

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