Hi Folks, The rainy week is behind us and fortunately it was not as bad as it looked on the weather sites. We received another inch and a half of rain during the week in addition to the 3 inches mentioned in the last update. Last night’s storms which were predicted to possibly bring hail and damaging winds brought neither and only a quarter of an inch of precipitation.
Hi Everyone, It was a week of glorious weather; plenty of sunshine and moderate temperatures. Now it seems we have slipped back into the rainy weather pattern that prevailed in the spring. The rains that began on Saturday evening have dropped 3 inches on us thus far, with more forecast for Monday and Tuesday.
Hi Folks, It was another good weather week here on the farm. We received an inch and a quarter of rain on Saturday night. We are looking at a lot of chances for more rain from scattered and isolated thunderstorms during the week ahead.
Hi Folks, We’ve had two wonderful rains here on the farm during the past week; each dropping a little over an inch of precipitation. The first was a beautiful slow steady rain that fell over a period of 8 hours or so, which allowed the very parched ground to soak it up. The second came as more of a deluge, delivering an inch in about two hours, but since the ground was already moist it was ready to absorb the water with little or no runoff.
Hi Folks, Holy heat and humidity, Batman! The record breaking heat wave has been stressing my crops and taking a toll on my workers and myself. We have been moving the sprinklers around trying to maintain some soil moisture on those crops not set up with drip irrigation. The extreme temps have also led to the second onion catastrophe in as many weeks.
Hi Folks, It was another week of hot and dry weather here at the farm. We really need some rain! It looks as though we may get some Monday afternoon from thunderstorms, hopefully sans hail and damaging winds. We are beginning to transplant the fall brassica crop out into the field and a little moisture would certainly help the plants to take root.
Hi Folks, It was another good weather week here on the farm: plenty of sunshine but not terribly hot. We had a torrential downpour accompanied by some strong winds on Friday evening but it didn’t last long and caused no damage. Our greatest challenge in recent weeks has been the critters, both the four-legged and six-legged kinds.
Hi Folks, Happy Independence Day! It was a glorious week; plenty of sunshine, not too hot and no rain. That was until Saturday night when thunderstorms returned and dropped another 1.5 inches of rain on us. It was getting a bit dry and we needed rain, but this was a little more than we bargained for.
Hello Dear Friends, Welcome to another addition of the farm update. First the obligatory weather report: It was another wet week with 3” of rain, most of which fell in a 2 hour period on Thursday, causing considerable flooding. We once again count ourselves lucky as parts only 5 miles from the farm experienced hail and damaging winds which we were spared. I have been trying to get the pumpkins and winter squash planted, as it’s getting late.
Hi Folks, Hello Everyone, We are still dealing with very wet conditions here at the farm. The storms that passed through Thursday night dropped 2 1⁄2 inches of rain on us and spoiled my plans for transplanting melons and ground cherries on Friday. Fortunately we were spared the strong storms that visited the northeastern part of the state and that I understand were accompanied by hail.