Another parsnip recipe from Cook’s Illustrated.
For those of you who don’t go for the pork in your bean recipes, here is a lovely salad recipe from The Splendid Table.
Chimichurri is an Argentinian sauce simi- lar to pesto. It is usually used as a mari- nade for grilled steak, but can also be used just as a spread over some crusty bread.The variations are endless with this recipe.
This is a relatively simple recipe with very pretty colorful results when using multi-colored carrots. The original is from a Gourmet Magazine cookbook.
This recipe is from
Original adapted from Uncommon Fruits and Vegetables by E. Schneider.
When done, serve with vinaigrette: (mix all very well)
Here’s a hearty recipe from If you happen to have an adjustable blade slicer, that will make quick work of slicing the turnips.