Hello Everyone,
We are rapidly approaching the end of the season, and none too soon for my workers who are trying to endure the cold weather we have had this past week. The fields here are very open and the winds are often very strong. The crops have endured several nights of low 20’s temperatures with little damage, but things are growing very slowly. I am a bit frustrated with the broccoli crop which normally does well in the fall, but this year is refusing to size up. I know that I promised broccoli for everyone this week, but it’s just not happening. It’s predicted to get a little warmer later in the week, so I’m hoping this will give it a chance to grow. We do have beautiful red and Napa cabbage, which we will offer as a choice this week. We also have really beautiful and sweet carrots which will be in the shares this week and for the next 2 deliveries (for those who have paid for a 24 week season or have opted for the extension). I know that many of you really love the stiffneck garlic that we grow and probably have not received enough this year. I am trying to remedy the shortfall by planting nearly twice as much as we planted last autumn. To do this I need to save some of this year’s crop for planting. We have set aside enough to give one medium sized bulb in this week’s share; I know it’s not much but at least everyone can enjoy one last taste.
For those of you for whom this will be your last pickup, I would like to thank you for your participation and support. The CSA program is what enabled me to get started as a farmer and what sustains me from year to year. I and my workers have worked hard to provide the members with a variety of quality produce and I hope we have succeeded at least to some degree. Every year has its own particular challenges, this year it was hot and dry conditions. Each year some crops will excel and others will fail. This year was a better year for tomatoes but a poor year for eggplant. White potatoes did poorly this season, but we had a banner year for sweet potatoes. Celery root was a crop failure this season, but we have lovely carrots, parsnips and beets. I lament the loss of any crop, but as a farmer I have had to accept that there are many variables beyond my control, and crop failures happen to the best of us. I wish all of you a safe and healthy winter and a joyous holiday season.
The share for this week will be:
Red lettuce, acorn squash, garlic, red onions, carrots, radishes, potatoes, choice of arugula or other mustard greens, baby bok choi, and choice of red or Napa cabbage.
Enjoy! Farmer John