Farm News – August 29, 2013

Hi Folks,
With this week’s delivery we will have reached the mid-point of the season. I am quite content with what we have been able to provide you thus far, and I hope that all of you have been happy with your shares.
We are working hard to plant lots of lettuce and brassicas for the fall. I am direct seeding carrots, turnips, radishes, spinach, and lots of other greens. We have 2 more planting of summer squash, one of which is beginning to produce. I am hoping for some more cucumbers as well, but we are struggling to control the mildew diseases to which they are prone.
The melons have been outstanding, but this will likely be the last week for them. Ground cherry production is declining so this will also be the last week for those.
I expect beans to be abundant for at least the next 4 or 5 weeks, with the heirloom Rattlesnake pole bean about to come into production. We could use some help with the bean picking so there will be several more opportunities to come out and see the farm and lend a hand, beginning this Sunday at 10AM.
The weather has been nice but we are a bit on the dry side. I know that the storms that passed through last Thursday brought heavy downpours and even flooding to some of your towns, but they bypassed us. We have a couple more shots at precipitation on Monday and Wednesday of this week so maybe we’ll get lucky! In the meantime we are moving the sprinklers around to get the seeds to germinate and the transplants to take root.
I suppose that many of you are anxious to know about the status of my plans to purchase Circle Brook Farm. I expect to have responses this week from the 2 banks with which I have submitted loan applications. I am still negotiating with the owner on the price and some other issues. I will have more news by next week’s update.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, green cabbage, choice of celery or fennel, baking potatoes (baby), melons, carrots, string beans, choice of red pearl or cippolini onions and cherry tomatoes (maybe a few ground cherries).
Enjoy! Farmer John