Hello Everyone, So I think we’ve been doing fairly well so far with the share quantities and quality. Especially considering the late start we had with planting. Now it will really start to get good. We have beautiful broccoli coming in heavy right now. There was not quite enough for all groups last week, so those who did not receive any broccoli last week will definitely have it this time. We also have some lovely small heads of Napa cabbage and cauliflower is beginning to make heads. Sugarsnap peas are still abundant as well as some snow peas. We will certainly have enough for this week and I am hoping to continue for one more week with the peas. We will also be sending some sweet, gorgeous carrots in the share for this week. And there is some very nice basil as this week’s herb. Radicchio and fennel are almost ready and will be in next week’s share. Peppers and eggplant should begin in a couple more weeks and tomatoes shortly thereafter.
We received nearly 3 inches of rain from last week’s storms; more than was desired of course but we were spared the damaging winds that were predicted at one point. We were scrambling for a while on Friday trying to batten down the hatches in preparation for the “squalls” that were in the forecast, but fortunately they never materialized. We had planned a garlic harvest volunteer day for this past Sunday but it was much too wet and muddy for that. In any case the garlic is a little late this year so it was not quite ready. Many thanks to the folks from Westfield, Montclair and Staten Island who came out to the farm expecting to dig garlic and helped out with pea picking instead. We will add another volunteer day for this Sunday, July 13 at 10 am to help with harvesting garlic. We will meet at the main farm at 141 Brighton Rd., Andover and then caravan to a field in Allamuchy were the garlic is planted.
The share for this week will be: Carrots, sugarsnap or snow peas, scallions, summer squash, 2 heads of lettuce, choice of kale or chard, Napa cabbage (for those who did not receive last week in lieu of broccoli) basil, broccoli (a few groups may receive cauliflower instead), and choice of tatsoi, broccoli raab, or other mustard greens.
Enjoy! Farmer John