Farm News – July 26, 2021

Hello Everyone! Wow, I can’t believe it is the end of July already – summer is just flying by! And the weather has been unusually reasonable for mid-summer in New Jersey. The humidity and temperature will be climbing for a few days but should moderate by mid-week. We are hoping for a little rain – emphasis on a little! The storms that were predicted for yesterday and last night never materialized, but we are okay without it, for now.
The tomatoes are starting to ripen prolifically now. We will have some type of tomato in all the shares this week – some will get cherries, some beefsteaks, or heirlooms. We will also be starting to dig potatoes this week and there will be some sweet corn ready. Everyone will receive one of these members of the starchy vegetable category, as we will call them lol. And the best news of all – no cabbage this week! Although I have heard from a few cabbage fans who have encouraged me to keep it coming.
The share for this week will be: Rainbow carrots, lettuce, eggplant, peppers, red skin potatoes or sweet corn, summer squash, cucumbers, beans, white onions, tomatoes, and choice of an herb (cilantro, dill, parsley, or lemon basil). Premium shares will also include kale and celery. Tomatillos as an “extra”.
The fruit share for this week will be: peaches and red plums.
Enjoy! Farmer John
P.S. I have heard from a few members that they have received some bad eggs in their share. We are working on correcting this issue. Meantime, if you have experienced this, please accept my apologies, and let your group coordinator know and we will send an extra dozen to compensate.