Farm News – September 5, 2022

Hello everyone, Happy Labor Day! It seems we will finally see some abatement from the prolonged dry spell. At this writing we are receiving light rain and more and heavier precipitation is predicted over the next 36 hours. Hopefully, we will be graced with the wet stuff with more regularity as we head into autumn. It also appears that the extreme heat may be mostly over for this season. Now we must hope that the first frost does not come to early and that it will not begin to rain too much!
After thirteen straight weeks of zucchini, we must finally take a pause. Beginning next week, we will start to send winter squash, specifically spaghetti squash. Arugula is back- yippee! Though, be advised -it is very spicy. Speaking of spicy- radishes return as well. Remember, if you cook them in a stir fry or a soup or roast them, they lose their heat. Also, if you will not get to use them right away, remove the tops so they will not get soft. We have a few leeks for you, for the first time this season. For some reason they did not grow well for us this year from the beginning, and the drought only made matters worse.
The share for this week will be: Beans, peppers, sweet corn, arugula, red-skin potatoes, carrots, leeks, lettuce, radishes, and choice of an herb. Tuesday groups will get the second watermelon that they are owed. Premium shares will include lima beans and shallots.
The fruit share for this week will be: Ginger Gold apples and nectarines.
Bon Appetit! Farmer John