• News

    Farm News – June 26, 2023

    Hi Folks! So, now after a dry spring, it’s looking like it’s going to rain every day for the rest of the summer! Don’t get me wrong – we still need some precipitation to replenish the soil moisture and the first few storm brought us only about an inch and a quarter, which only wet the top 4 inches of the soil. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing though, and these types of storms often come with damaging winds and hail (a four-letter word here on the farm). The rain gauge is marking 2”…

  • Recipies

    Spring Garden Soup

    Another great soup recipe from The Victory Garden Cookbook by Marian Morash.  It serves 4-6.  Use 2 leeks (white and light green parts only) in lieu of scallions.  For herbs, parsley, thyme, or tarragon is recommended.

  • Members Corner - Recipies

    Grilled Veggies

    In this sweltering heat, if the thought of standing over your stove sautéing, steaming or baking any of your veggies makes you want to head to the nearest fast food or take-out counter, consider grilling at least some of your vegetables.  In the time it takes to grill some hot dogs or a steak, you can have wonderful, tasty treats.

  • News

    Farm News – June 19, 2023

    Hello Folks!  So, we received about 1.2 inches of rain from three separate storms over the past week. Not as much as we would have liked, but enough that we could take a break from moving the sprinklers around constantly and prepare some more ground for planting. We are heading into scattered thunderstorm territory, hopefully some of these will scatter some precipitation on us.

  • Featured Produce

    “Spring” Garlic and Onions

    You probably already know that the best way to store onions and garlic is in a cool, dark place that’s dry and has good air flow. But did you know that rule actually only applies to cured onions and garlic – the kind generally found at the supermarket? “Spring” or “fresh” onions and garlic, however, are an exception to that rule. This article on thekitchn.com has all the details!

  • Recipies

    Chicken and Bok Choy Stir Fry

    This recipe uses many of the vegetables we will be getting this week!  Stir frying is a versatile way to put your CSA veggies to good use.  You can really substitute almost any other vegetable for the ones listed in this recipe and it will still turn out great.  Use your imagination!   For a vegetarian option, leave out the chicken, use tofu or other protein, and use vegetable stock.

  • News

    Farm News – June 12, 2023

    Hi Folks, So here we go, let’s get this party started! As I write, the rain has begun; the first significant precipitation in 6 weeks. Perhaps that is why I am in a festive mood. We have been busy moving the sprinklers around the fields, trying to get the seeds to germinate, the seedlings to grow, and the peas to plump up their pods. Now that I have my full crew in place, we are back on track. The summer crops are growing nicely, and the spring crops are beginning to mature. The peas have flowering profusely, and the first…