Monthly Archive: June 2023



Calorie for calorie, leafy green vegetables like spinach provide more nutrients than any other food.  Spinach is thought to have originated in ancient Persia.  Spinach made its way to China in the 7th century when the king of Nepal sent it as a gift to this country.  Spinach has a much more recent history in Europe than many other vegetables.  It was only brought to that continent in the 11th century, when the Moors introduced it into Spain.  In fact, for a while, spinach was known as “the Spanish vegetable” in England. (more…)

Garlic Scape Pesto

Garlic Scape Pesto

Pesto is a great way to use the garlic scapes in our CSA shares!  For ½ pound short pasta such as penne, add about 2 Tablespoons of pesto to cooked pasta and stir until pasta is well coated.  You can also freeze your pesto for use later in the year – try freezing it in an ice cube tray to make small handy pesto portions. (more…)

Christine's Quiche

Christine’s Quiche

A CSA member, Julia Egan, sent us the following easy recipe for those yummy summer squash we are now beginning to savor. You can’t get much simpler. (more…)