Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 10, 2024

Hello Folks – So, here we go! We have arrived at the first week of CSA deliveries for the season. It will be a nice first share – the weather has been uncharacteristically cooperative! So far, so good.

We have an abundance of peas and greens and even a bit of summer squash for your dining pleasure. The peas will be the shell type this week. I recommend consuming them as quickly as possible, since the sugars rapidly convert to starch. There will be snow and sugar snap varieties in the coming weeks, and these hold their sweetness for a longer period. Garlic scapes will be the allium of the week, as they always are for the start of the season. For those unfamiliar with them, they are the flower top of the garlic plant and can be sautéed, grilled, pickled, or ground up in a blender with olive oil, nuts, and cheese to make pesto.

The share will be: lettuce, arugula or tatsoi, spinach, radishes, summer squash, English (shell) peas, garlic scapes, and choice of an herb (mostly cilantro and dill, with some mint). Premium shares will also include bok choy and choice of endive or escarole.

The fruit share for this week will be: Strawberries

Enjoy! Farmer John