Hi Folks! It appears we have a bit of a rainy week ahead, but the temperatures remain mild for late October. We have another very nice share for you this week. We harvested a lot of peppers- both green and colored ahead of what we thought might be a frost over the weekend. So there will be a mix in the shares, please take some of the green ones in the mix and leave some of the ripe ones for those who come later. Some groups may receive baby bells.
This week the carrots will be orange, but the sweet potatoes will be white. We continue to have a lot of cauliflower, as well as a purple broccoli that looks a lot like a cauliflower. Some of you may have already received these, as they have confused my crew. We will be in rotation with these two items and cabbage over the next couple of weeks. We expect to have Brussels’ sprouts in two weeks.
We also have several different types of mustard greens; some of these are purple and some are frilly (and some are purple and frilly lol). They can be braised or added to soups or salads. Premium shares will also include a shell bean called a flageolet bean. These are a French delicacy used in a dish called cassoulet. They must be shelled, do not attempt to eat the pod.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, sweet peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, radishes, cauliflower or cabbage or purple broccoli, leeks, arugula or broccoli raab or mustard greens, spinach, leeks, and cilantro or dill. Premium shares will also include endive (frisée) or radicchio, flageolet beans, and a second bunch of spinach.
Bon Appetit! Farmer John