Farm News – August 8, 2022

Hi Everyone, I wish I had better news for you, but after various chances for rain over the last week, we are still very dry here on the farm. About two hours ago it became dark, and the wind picked up, then I watched the radar as a small storm cell moved to the north of us. We have another shot at some precipitation tonight and tomorrow, after that we will have to wait until next week. We are doing the best we can to keep everything growing or at least keep new transplants and newly sprouted seeds from burning up, but there is just not enough water to go around.
Despite the less-than-favorable weather conditions, we have a nice share for you this week. The next crops of beans are beginning to bear and there are tons of tasty tomatoes. Melons are ripening prolifically, and we are digging some nice potatoes and carrots. For the potatoes, the dryness is a benefit because the potato digging machine works better when the ground is dry. For the carrots, not so much – the soil contracts and becomes extremely hard under these conditions, and they are mostly harvested by hand using a spading fork. It makes for a lot more work for my crew.
The share for this week will be: Savoy cabbage, summer squash, beans, peppers, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, gold potatoes, melons, garlic, and choice of an herb. Premium shares will also receive ground cherries.
The fruit share will be peaches and Italian plums. Farmer John has had issues receiving enough fruit from his suppliers. Last week’s share of nectarines will count as a half fruit share and we will make up the other half at the end of the fruit season.
Enjoy! Farmer John