Hello Everyone, We have arrived at the mid point of the season. While it has been one of the most challenging years ever, I am fairly satisfied with what we have been able to provide thus far. I only hope that you, the shareholders feel the same.
Hello Folks, It finally feels like summer in NJ, with the heat and humidity we’ve come to know and endure. We are enjoying what seems like an unprecedented five day period without rain, but it is predicted to end by Wednesday as we head into another week of showers and thunderstorms. Normally at this time of year I am impeded from seeding crops for the fall by dry conditions.
Hi Everyone, This past week we finished harvesting the onion crop, which is a great relief. With these wet and humid conditions everyday that they remained in the field they were in danger of rotting. Now we can turn our attention to other pressing matters such as getting the weeds under control in the winter squash and elsewhere, and beginning to transplant the fall broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.
When done, serve with vinaigrette: (mix all very well)
Hello Folks, I am once again late in writing the update, and for that I apologize to those who are waiting to know what they will receive this week. All I can say is that I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment trying to keep up with so many battles on so many fronts. We have just passed another wet spell with almost 4” of rain falling during the past week.
Here’s a hearty recipe from epicurious.com. If you happen to have an adjustable blade slicer, that will make quick work of slicing the turnips.
Hello Everyone, We received some much needed rain this past weekend and fortunately the hailstorms that were about missed us this time. The ground is still quite dry, which is good for digging potatoes but not for much else. We have been busy putting up trellis for tomatoes and for many people’s favorite, the Rattlesnake pole bean.
Ingredients: For filling: 1/3 to 2/3 cups sugar 1 Tablespoon cornstarch 5 cups peach slices
Hi Everyone, The continued dry spell enabled us to get somewhat caught up on the work we fell behind with during the monsoon. Unfortunately we are now falling behind on the planting and some of the other tasks normal to mid-July, such as tying up the tomatoes and harvesting the onions. We have finished harvesting the garlic and it is hung up to cure. The harvest looks good with good size bulbs and not much problem with rot. It will be in the share again in two or three weeks.
Another recipe from the “Simply Organic” cookbook.