Westfield Area CSA Blog

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 12, 2022

Hello Folks, We received a little more that an inch of rain over several days last week.  The heavy rain that was predicted never materialized here on the farm- it was mostly light rain and drizzle.   In some ways this is good, because it gives the ground a chance to soak it up and not runoff.   Unfortunately, two days of drizzle, followed by an overcast day make the perfect conditions for the fungal diseases which plague the tomatoes and cucurbits.  We are currently on the second day of a similar scenario – light rain and little sunshine.  We are, nevertheless, grateful for the precipitation. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 5, 2022

Hello everyone, Happy Labor Day! It seems we will finally see some abatement from the prolonged dry spell. At this writing we are receiving light rain and more and heavier precipitation is predicted over the next 36 hours. Hopefully, we will be graced with the wet stuff with more regularity as we head into autumn. It also appears that the extreme heat may be mostly over for this season. Now we must hope that the first frost does not come to early and that it will not begin to rain too much! (more…)



If you ever see a salad green referred to as “rocket,” it’s simply another name for arugula, or roquette in French.  Yet another brassicaceae along with kale and cauliflower, its delightfully pungent leaves have been cultivated in the Mediterranean since time was recorded.  As such, arugula is a perennial favorite in Italian cooking. (more…)

Baked Radish Quinoa Salad

Baked Radish Quinoa Salad

This baked radish and quinoa salad, found on the Jen Reviews health and food blog, is simple enough to make for lunch or dinner.  It contains all the tasty summer flavors and enough protein to keep you feeling full.  You can add more vegetables to this salad and/or use a different dressing – the options are endless!  Serves 3.

Soupe Au Pistou

Soupe au Pistou

From an old (2001!) Cuisine Magazine recipe, this French garden soup makes 10 cups and is perfect as we transition into Fall. Pistou is the French version of Italian pesto, which should be made a day ahead, chilled, and stirred into the soup before serving. Give it a try! (more…)