• News

    Farm News – June 14, 2021

    Hello everyone, the time has come for me to dust off my pea puns and pea-alliteration, for we have a plenitude, a preponderance, a plethora of peas.  So, if you have been praying for peas, for now your prayers will be answered.  This week it is mostly English, or shell peas we have in abundance, a few groups may receive snow peas this time and English peas next.  Sugar snap peas will be starting next week.

  • News

    Farm News – May 18, 2021

    Hello Folks, Happy Spring!  I am pleased to report that we are off to a much better start to the season than last year.  The first groups of workers arrived in late March and I now have my whole crew in place.  We are going gangbusters planting, weeding, spreading compost, mulching, and covering greenhouses.  The weather has been relatively cooperative.  It was a fairly dry spring with some early warmth and abundant sunshine, that helped to dry out the fields as the heavy snow melted.  Overall, it has stayed rather cool, but we have not had any extremely cold nights.

  • News

    Farm News – November 16, 2020

    Hi Folks, we have reached the end of the CSA season.  I hope that you have enjoyed the produce we were able to provide this year.  Every farming season has its unique challenges, mostly weather related.  This year we had both the latest spring frost ever – May 18th – and the earliest fall frost that I can remember – September 18.  The September frost took us a bit by surprise as the forecast was for a low of 38 degrees.  The cold snap in September was even more unusual since it was not a single night, but rather four…

  • News

    Farm News – November 9, 2020

    Hi Folks, I hope you have been enjoying the balmy weather these past days; my crew and I certainly have been.  It’s a bit strange for early November but we’ll take it!  In any case there is no such thing as normal weather anymore.  The dry conditions have enabled us to finish digging the potatoes (finally!) and get started planting the garlic for next year’s crop.  The warmth is allowing some of the greens to recover from the damage sustained during the recent freeze, and the Brussel’s Sprouts and cauliflower to continue to mature.  We still have carrots and a…

  • News

    Farm News – November 2, 2020

    Hi Folks, November came brrrr-eezing in this weekend. We had temperatures in the mid- twenties Saturday morning. Today we are being buffeted by howling winds. We have two more cold nights ahead before the temps rise back to more seasonable levels. Friday was a long day for the crew, as they worked diligently to harvest and cover crops ahead of the freeze. We were mostly successful in protecting the crops, although we did have some losses. The dill and cilantro were burned by the cold. They should recover but they will need some time to grow new leaf. We continue…

  • News

    Farm News – October 26, 2020

    Hello Everyone! The weather continues to be good for growing, although it looks like a dreary week ahead. The forecast for Friday night to Saturday has been fluctuating in the mid-twenties, what we’d refer to as a hard freeze as opposed to just a frost. At that point we will be giving up on protecting the more tender crops and covering the hardier ones to protect them from damage. Even crops like kale and spinach, which are quite tough, can sustain damage that reduces their quality and marketability. We will have to cut any broccoli or cauliflower that is heading…

  • News

    Farm News – October 19, 2020

    Hi Folks! The weather continues to be reasonably good for the crops. We had almost two inches of rain and another ¾ inch on Friday. We had a light frost Sunday morning. We continue to cover the beans and a few other more delicate crops to protect them from cold nights. We are getting a good harvest from the beans now, so our efforts have paid off.