Organic. Local. Sustainable.
Welcome to the Westfield Area CSA!
Pick-up site hosted by Prince’s Farm Stand
We are a community supported agriculture (CSA) organization serving Westfield and neighboring communities, including Scotch Plains, Mountainside, Springfield, Cranford, Plainfield, Rahway, and more.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSA members pre-pay for “shares” in a local organic farm at the beginning of the season in March when the farmer most needs the money. Then during the harvest from June through November, the farmer delivers a weekly assortment of vegetables, herbs, and some fruit.
The Westfield Area CSA supports Farmer John Krueger, and his beautiful, bountiful, organic farm in Andover, New Jersey. Each year, Farmer John and his amazing crew at Circle Brook Farm dedicate themselves to growing the finest, freshest organic produce around and delivering it to a convenient pick-up location near you—all for the incredible price of $29-$45 per week, depending on the size of share you purchase.
100% of your food dollars go to the person who is growing it. You support sustainable, local agriculture and get freshly picked organic produce at reasonable prices. In addition, you know the farmer growing your vegetables and can visit the farm – establishing a personal connection with your food supply.
To join, click here.