• News

    Farm News- June 30, 2011

    Hello Dear Friends, Welcome to another addition of the farm update. First the obligatory weather report: It was another wet week with 3” of rain, most of which fell in a 2 hour period on Thursday, causing considerable flooding. We once again count ourselves lucky as parts only 5 miles from the farm experienced hail and damaging winds which we were spared. I have been trying to get the pumpkins and winter squash planted, as it’s getting late.

  • News

    Farm News- June 23,2011

    Hi Folks, Hello Everyone, We are still dealing with very wet conditions here at the farm. The storms that passed through Thursday night dropped 2 1⁄2 inches of rain on us and spoiled my plans for transplanting melons and ground cherries on Friday. Fortunately we were spared the strong storms that visited the northeastern part of the state and that I understand were accompanied by hail.

  • News

    Farm News- June 16, 2011

    Hi Folks, The week you have been waiting for has arrived-the first delivery of the season. This is the week that my crew and I have been working and preparing for since March. It’s also the week that I have been worrying and fretting over for about the last month; would there be anything to deliver?