The website,, had links to a few recipes using purslane, which has a rather limited culinary following. This one, taken from The Wild Vegan Cookbook , sounded reasonable (and easy) enough, if you wanted to introduce your family or Labor Day guests to a new green with little downside risk. The recipe serves 6 and would appear to be readily doubled.
Hello Folks, It’s been another week of beautiful weather! The only caveat is that we are beginning to get a little dry again and could use some rain. It looks like we may get a bit on Monday but after that there’s not much in the forecast.
Hello Folks, The weather continues to be copacetic; reasonable amounts of rainfall and moderate temperatures. The fall brassica transplants have taken root and are beginning to grow nicely. The many direct seeded fall crops are beginning to sprout.
Hello Everyone, We have enjoyed moderate temperatures and reasonable quantities of precipitation this past week. No weather related problems or catastrophes to report this update! We have been able to transplant out thousands of fall vegetables. I have been busy sowing many of the direct seeds vegetables from root crops- carrots, turnips and beets to greens-arugula, spinach, and broccoli raab as well as more herbs-dill and cilantro.
Hello Folks, The fields had dried out nicely during the past week and we were able to get back to preparing the ground for planting and to get caught up on transplanting of the fall Cole crops. Because we have a fairly sandy soil here at the farm it drains well and dries out rapidly; a blessing during rainy times and a bit of a challenge during drought. The newly transplanted Brussels sprouts and cauliflower were looking quite sad during the hot spell last week and I was hoping for a little rain to perk them up.
This recipe comes from
Hi Folks, Moderation in all things; that’s what my mother taught me. Mother Nature however, doesn’t seem to want to follow this rule. In a few short days we have gone from the Mojave Desert to the Okefenokee Swamp; from dust bowl to mud bowl.