• News

    Farm News- November 21, 2012

    Hello Everyone, We have arrived at the end of another CSA season. I know it’s sad when the season ends. I know it’s hard to say good bye (to your fresh veggies), but I must confess, I’m ready for a rest! Of course those of you who have chosen to purchase the stock up share will continue to enjoy the fruits of our labors for several more weeks. The final share of the season is not as bountiful as I would have liked, but we have done our best under difficult conditions.

  • News

    Farm News-November 15, 2012

    Hello Everyone, I hope that by now those of you who have lost power have had your service restored. It has been a difficult couple of weeks, but hopefully soon things will be back to normal. As of this writing we are still waiting to be reconnected.

  • News

    Farm News- November 8, 2012

    Hello Everyone, I hope you are all safe and well in the aftermath of the hurricane. Here on the farm we lost power on Monday afternoon and then during the night a cedar tree came down and took the power line, cable and telephone lines with it. On Friday the telephone service was restored, so fortunately we have internet service again.