• News

    Farm News – October 31, 2016

    Hello Folks!  We received about an inch of rain this week from a day of drizzle on Thursday and a couple of hours of heavier rain on Sunday.  This should help the crops remaining in the field to size up.  We also had a couple of cold nights; what we refer to as a hard freeze as compared to a light frost.  We have been continuing to cover the peppers but they sustain a little more damage each time and we have to pick much of the fruit green beforehand.  We will have peppers again this week but unfortunately not…

  • News

    Farm News – October 24, 2016

    Hello Everyone!  This past weekend’s storms brought us a scant .4 of an inch of rain.  It was more wind than rain, and we continue with very dry conditions.  We will have another chance of precipitation on Thursday.  We will also have a couple of cold nights this week, but probably not severe enough to damage what remains in the fields.

  • News

    Farm News – October 17, 2016

    Hello Folks!  So we have had 2 light frosts since my last update.  We were able to cover and protect a few crops, notably the peppers.  We tried to save a late planting of string beans but were only marginally successful.  We are still quite dry and are hoping for some rain on Friday.  Most of what remains in the fields now are brassica family crops that require a lot of water.

  • News

    Farm News – October 10, 2016

    Hi Folks!  We are expecting the possibility of our first frost early Tuesday morning.  It will likely be a light one, and things will begin to warm up as we go through the week.  Most of what is left in the field is hardy enough to survive, and we will be covering a few tender crops to try and protect them.  This will be the last week for eggplant, except for maybe a few small ones as an extra.  We will have some lettuce in the shares again this week, although the heads won’t be very large; everything grows rather…

  • News

    Farm News – October 3, 2016

    Hi Folks!  So after 3 days of overcast and drizzly weather, we received about a quarter of an inch of total precipitation.  It was good for germinating the seeds that I recently planted, but not nearly what I would like for the acres of brassica crops that I have growing.  This family, which includes broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, needs a lot of moisture to make large heads.