Monthly Archive: September 2024
Hello Everyone! So, the sun is slowly setting on the solanaceous crops. Almost all the field tomatoes have succumbed to disease. The eggplant and peppers have fruit set and are still flowering, but the fruit is growing and maturing very slowly. We will send one more round of eggplant over the next two weeks, with peppers for those groups for whom there is not enough eggplant. (more…)
Leeks, known scientifically as Allium porrum, are related to garlic, onions, shallots, and scallions. Leeks look like large scallions, having a very small bulb and a long white cylindrical stalk of tightly wrapped, layered leaves. With a more delicate and sweeter flavor than onions, leeks add a subtle touch to recipes without overpowering the other flavors that are present. (more…)
Here is a reliable standby soup from It can be prepared ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator or frozen. Serves 4. (more…)
This recipe from the Simply Organic cookbook may have a long ingredient list, but it is relatively simple to put together. (more…)
This recipe is from Organic Gardening, and yields 10 servings, enough for leftovers on a hot week! (more…)
Hello Folks! We received ¾ inch of precipitation in about 2 hours from the storms that passed through last Saturday afternoon. A slower, gentler rain would have been better, but we take what we can get. We have been busy transplanting and direct seeding fall crops, and a substantial rain was helpful for sprouting seeds and rooting of the seedlings. The forecast looks a bit dry for the next week, so we may need to start moving the irrigation equipment around the fields. The cool weather has been slowing down the growth of the warm weather crops, peppers, eggplant, and squash. The temperatures will be on the rise over the next week, but the nights are remaining quite cool. (more…)
Butternut squash is a winter squash belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family of field pumpkins. It has a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of a pumpkin. It has tan-yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp with a compartment of seeds in the bottom. When ripe, it turns increasingly deep orange, and becomes sweeter and richer. (more…)
From Cuisine at Home magazine, here is a tasty and full-of-Fall-flavor main dish. You can substitute turkey bacon for regular if you wish. The recipe yields 4 servings. (more…)
Here’s another simple recipe from Gourmet magazine. Anchovies and Parmesan give this Swiss chard side dish a Caesar-salad-like twist. Try it out! (more…)
A simple, quick recipe from Gourmet Magazine. These are everything potatoes should be: crisp-skinned yet pillowy, sprinkled with a generous amount of salty parmesan. They require no laborious peeling and are much easier to prepare than french fries. Serves 4. (more…)