Westfield Area CSA Blog



It is true, eating all that salad is good for you!  While the nutritional value of lettuce varies with the variety, the following excerpt from the University of Illinois website sets the record straight:  Lettuce in general provides small amounts of dietary fiber, some carbohydrates, a little protein and a trace of fat. Its most important nutrients are vitamin A and potassium.   (more…)

Best Cobb Salad

Best Cobb Salad

Try this classic Cobb salad made with a quick homemade dressing, courtesy of delish.com.  If you want to make this ahead of time, we recommend storing the lettuce, eggs, chicken, bacon, and chives in one container.  Then you can peel the avocado and chop it along with the tomatoes before adding to the salad and tossing with dressing. Everything will keep in the fridge like that for up to 3 days.  Serves 4-6. (more…)

Cheesy Zucchini Casserole

Cheesy Zucchini Casserole

This recipe submitted by a CSA member comes highly recommended!  From Food & Wine blog, this casserole is made with chopped fresh zucchini that’s been sautéed with onion, then mixed with farmer cheese, a fresh form of cottage cheese you can find at some supermarkets.  Serves 8. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 1, 2024

Hello everyone! We made it through the first heat wave and received about an inch and a half of rain since my last update. The precipitation came from two passing storms, the second of which dropped an inch in less than an hour. This is not ideal, because much of the water runs off and does not have a chance to soak in, but we take what we can get. (more…)

Summer Squash

Summer Squash

Welcome to Summer Squash season!  As you may have noticed already, summer squash appears in a variety of shapes and colors, the most prevalent being the well-known green zucchini, the straight or crooked necked yellow squash, and the round, flat, often scalloped edge, patty pan squash.  All these varieties are tender, warm-season vegetables that differ from their fall and winter cousins in that they are selected to be harvested while still immature.  Thus, the entire vegetable, rind, flesh, and seeds, can be eaten. (more…)

Cold Cucumber Cream Soup

Cold Cucumber Cream Soup

A quick and refreshing cold soup that can be prepared ahead of time for those warm, muggy evenings; if you are out of cilantro already, dill works just as well.  Serves 4. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 24, 2024

Hi Folks! I guess I don’t have to tell you what a brutal week of weather we had. The temperatures will be more moderate this week, but we still have not had any rain. As often happens on the farm, some passing storms moved to the north and the south. Hopefully there will be some precipitation this week. (more…)