Westfield Area CSA Blog

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 13, 2023

Hello Everyone, We have reached the final week of the CSA season. I know that some will be sad not to receive their weekly bounty, while others may be relieved to be free of the pressure of putting it all to good use. My crew and I are relieved as well as proud to have been able to provide reasonably abundant shares despite the many challenges that the weather created. (more…)

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts as they are now known were grown possibly as early as the 13th century in what is now Belgium. During the 16th century, they enjoyed a popularity in the southern Netherlands that eventually spread throughout the cooler parts of Northern Europe.  They are a cool weather crop that, rather than being damaged by a frost, actually gets a little sweeter and improves in taste. (more…)

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

From the cookbook, Serving Up the Harvest by Andrea Chesman, this recipe boasts a rich, flavorful, and perfectly-textured mashed sweet potato that seems too easy to be true.  Maybe now is a good time to give it a “taste test” before your Thanksgiving guests arrive at your table.  This recipe serves 4. Enjoy! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 6, 2023

Hi All! As expected we were hit quite hard with a freeze last week, three nights in a row with temperatures dipping into the mid 20’s. We harvested a lot of peppers ahead of the cold blast; some green, some ripe, and some in between. They represent the last taste of the summer crops for this season and will be in the shares this week and next (if they hold up well). (more…)


Celeriac (aka Celery Root)

Celeriac, aka celery root or knob of celery, is a distinct variety from the plant that produces the green stalks we enjoy in salads and soups; is cultivated specifically for its large, robust, and unfortunately rather ugly root.  It is a distant cousin to anise, carrots, parsley and parsnips.  Celeriac is recognized for its large, round, knobby and deeply gnarled, root ball.


Potato Celery Root Purée

Potato Celery Root Purée

Here’s another recipe from a Gourmet Magazine cookbook.  This purée could make a good side dish for Thanksgiving, and may be made up to 1 day in advance and kept covered and chilled.  Makes about 5½ cups.


Asian Pickled Cabbage

Asian Pickled Cabbage

Here’s a recipe for Asian Pickled Cabbage from thekitchn.com. It’s tangy from the vinegar, sweet from the sugar, and just a bit spicy from the ginger — a perfect balance of flavors.  It’s super easy and refreshing as a side dish on a hot day.  The recipe serves 2-4 but can easily be doubled.   (more…)

Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes and Basil

Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes and Basil

Here’s another great spaghetti squash recipe from steamykitchen.com.  If you’re only feeding 4-6 people, I suggest cooking the spaghetti squash whole, then only using half of the squash when you’re ready to sauté with the tomatoes.  I like my spaghetti squash not too hard, not too soft. It shouldn’t be mushy, you should be able to still separate the strands of squash.  Serves 8-10. (more…)