Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – Nov 14, 2013

Hello Everyone,

We continue to experience dry conditions here at the farm, with last week’s rain dropping only a miserly quarter of an inch. This along with very cold weather has greatly slowed the growth of the crops that remain in the field. We are expecting to be hammered with 2 or 3 nights of temperatures near or below 20 degrees this week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – Nov 7 2013

Hi Folks,

We had some rain this past Friday. It was once again less than I had hoped for at just under a half an inch. I guess we’ll have to keep running the sprinklers a bit longer!

We were very busy over the weekend preparing for an extremely cold night – Sunday into Monday. Even though everything that remains in the fields is fairly hardy, temperatures in the low 20’s can still do damage. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – Oct 31, 2013

Hi Folks,

It was a cold week here on the farm. We’ve had frost every morning and temperatures dropped into the mid-twenties on several nights. Even some of the more hardy crops have sustained a little damage, but nothing substantial. The principal effect of the low temperatures is slow growth and maturation. We have thousands of broccoli and cauliflower just beginning to head up but they take a bit longer than normal to reach harvestable size. Those who received broccoli or cauliflower last week will likely get Napa cabbage this time around. For those who got cabbage we will do our best to send broccoli or cauliflower. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

End of Season “Stock Up”

We will be offering one additional share to be delivered during the week of November 25th. This will be a “stock up” share and will include various vegetables that store well, so that you will be able to enjoy produce from the farm well into the winter months. The total weight of this share will be about 50 lbs.  (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 24, 2013

Hi Folks,  we had our heaviest frost to date on Sunday night. It’s too early to know how much damage was done. Most of what remains in the fields is hardy, but I was hoping to get another week out of the beans, peppers, and summer squash. Cold nights were predicted for later this week and we were planning to cover these crops to protect them, but last night’s frost was unexpected and it may now be too late. We had a nice steady rain for about ten minutes on Saturday night, so we remain on the dry side. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 17, 2013

Hi Folks!  Unbelievably, we are still on the dry side here at the farm. Last Monday’s storms brought only a half an inch of precipitation and 3 days of predicted rainy weather at the end of the week left the rain gauge empty. We will need to continue moving the sprinklers around the fields to ensure that broccoli and cauliflower produce large heads. We continue to enjoy mild temperatures with no frost in sight for at least another week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 10, 2013

Hi Folks, we received a small amount of rain over the weekend and are expecting more substantial precipitation on Monday.  We are scrambling to get the harvesting done ahead of what may be strong storms and heavy downpours. We have also been very busy bringing in an abundant winter squash crop before the groundhogs and wet conditions begin to take their toll. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 3, 2013

Hi Everyone, Cool and dry about sums up the prevailing weather conditions here on the farm. We have already had 2 light frosts, but they were very light and spotty and haven’t done much damage. I am hopeful we will get a couple more weeks before a more damaging frost occurs. We are busy again moving the sprinklers around the fields beginning with the final plantings of herbs and spinach so they will germinate. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 26, 2013

Hi Folks, we received almost an inch of rain overnight on Saturday, this time without any damaging winds! The fall crops are growing beautifully as the warm weather plants are slowing down their production. For now we still have a good supply of colored peppers, but eggplant will only be available as an extra going forward. Regrettably this will likely be the last week for tomatoes. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 19, 2013

Hi Folks,
Well I can report that we received an inch of much needed precipitation last Thursday, but at quite a cost. The rain came in a torrential downpour mostly during a 15 minute period accompanied by fierce winds that toppled trees all over our area. We lost power for about 30 hours until midnight on Friday. I was returning from PA where I was picking up fertilizer and as I neared the farm I began to encounter branches in the roadway and the trees blocking one lane of the road. When I was 5 minutes from the farm I was stopped by a tree blocking the entire road. I finally arrived home about an hour later after repeated detours were also found to be impassable. (more…)