Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 25, 2022

Hi Everyone, I hope you all have managed okay with this weekend’s scorching heat. It was hard on my workers, but, as always, they stoically endured it. Had it not been for the rain earlier in the week, it might have been devastating for the crops. We were hoping for some more precipitation today as cooler air moves in, unfortunately we got a scant tenth of an inch. Temps this week will be a little more bearable, especially with nighttime temperatures dropping into the sixties. Hopefully, there will be more rain soon. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 18, 2022

Hi Folks, So, we have received some much-needed rain and are expecting more on Monday evening. Thus far we have not experienced the high winds or hail often associated with these summer storms. This will enable us to get back on our planting schedule and relieve us, at least temporarily, from the task of moving the sprinklers around the fields. We are still waiting to see whether my recent planting of carrots will germinate sufficiently to merit care or will need to be abandoned. Carrots sprout and grow very slowly and require extensive hand weeding. If there are not enough plants present in each row, it is not worth the effort, and I will need to replant. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 11, 2022

Hello Everyone!  As long-time members will attest, I am wont to whine about the weather.  Thus far there has been little to complain about, but it has now been more than two weeks with no precipitation.  It is becoming very dry, and with temperatures heading into the nineties, dry conditions make everything more challenging.  We have been moving the sprinklers around the fields to aid newly seeded crops to germinate and to keep the broccoli and cauliflower crops moist at a critical time – as they begin to form heads.   (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 4, 2022

Hello Folks, I hope you all had a pleasant Independence Day and a relaxing long weekend.  Of course, here on the farm our weeks do not end – there is just too much work to be done.   Although it is officially summer now, we have some wonderful spring onions for you this week.  These are a sweet, heirloom variety – Ailsa craig – which we send with the tops still attached.  Some of the greens can be used like scallions, or you can use them to make a soup stock.  They are not good keepers, so keep them in the fridge and use them within a week or two.   (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 27, 2022

Hi Everyone, I need to keep it brief this time, because I must get back out in the field to get some planting done. I am almost finished with sowing the winter squash – just two varieties of acorn to go! I will be planting sweet corn and cucumbers later this evening. I like to plant late in the day, just after we till the beds. The seeds then have the night to soak up the humidity in the soil before the sun begins to dry out the surface. Tomorrow I will make the second planting of beets and the third planting of carrots. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 20, 2022

Hello Folks! Curioser and curioser, this weather of ours. It was quite a chilly weekend, between the low temperatures and the high winds. My workers had their winter coats on again. I was busy planting the pumpkins and winter squash which I generally do in the evenings to avoid the midday heat. I was out planting all afternoon on Sunday with a sweater and a windbreaker on! Last night it dropped down to 48 degrees here on the farm. This cool weather is good for the greens, lettuces, and peas – but the peppers don’t really like it much. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 13, 2022

Hello everyone, I hope that you enjoyed the first week of your share, because week two will be similar.  We still have tons (I wanted to write “lots” but Editor wants me to be more specific) of beautiful spinach, which I expect to continue for several more weeks.  We are heavy on lettuce, so there will be two heads of different varieties in all but the smallest share size (time to make that BIG salad, lol).   (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 6, 2022

Hello Everyone, so here we go… lettuce begin! We are off to a good start with the first delivery of the season. As most of you know the first few deliveries in the spring are a bit smaller and heavy on the greens. The shares will build steadily over the next few weeks. We always try to have peas ready for the first round, but the cool spring slowed them down. It is possible there may be some English(shell) peas in shares toward the end of the week. If this is the case, we will make it up to the early week groups when we are coming to the end of the pea season. We have lots of sugar snap peas planted, so you should see these 2 or 3 times over the next month or so. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

2022 Registration

Happy winter everyone! It is time to register for the 2022 CSA season!   Know your farmer. Know your food. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 15, 2021

Hello Folks, So we have arrived at the end of the line for this CSA season. A sad time perhaps, for the members, but honestly a relief for my crew and me. My workers are looking forward to escaping the cold and getting back to their families, and I could use a bit of R and R myself! I suspect that some of you may be relieved as well – the shares were fairly abundant, and in conversations with some of the members the word, overwhelming, was frequently used. We try our best to give our members an excellent value, I guess sometimes we outdo ourselves! Despite the weather-related challenges we faced, the harvest was abundant and we were happy to share it with you all. (more…)