Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 8, 2021

Hi All! So, as predicted it was a chilly week, with several nights below 28 degrees. We are expecting a warmup for this week before returning to more seasonal temperatures. Fortunately, it has been dry, and the fields are finally beginning to dry out a bit. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 1, 2021

Howdy Folks! We were spared the worst of the weekend storm, as it passed mostly to the east of the farm. I know that many of you did not fare so well. Currently, we are preparing for the first frost of the season. It appears we will have seven or eight nights of below freezing temperatures, before it moderates a bit. Hopefully, it will not dip down too much below the 32-degree mark. Most of what remains in the field can tolerate a light freeze. We will pick most of the peppers and try to cover a few beds to keep them alive a little longer. The beans were more or less done anyway, and we are already digging the sweet potatoes as they have attained decent size and there are few weeks left to share them with you all. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 25, 2021

Hi Folks! It appears we have a bit of a rainy week ahead, but the temperatures remain mild for late October. We have another very nice share for you this week. We harvested a lot of peppers- both green and colored ahead of what we thought might be a frost over the weekend. So there will be a mix in the shares, please take some of the green ones in the mix and leave some of the ripe ones for those who come later. Some groups may receive baby bells. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 18, 2021

Hi All!  So, it was a good weather week, and the crops continue to grow nicely.  It looks as though we have one more week before the first frost of the season.  As forecast presently, it should be a light frost over two nights.  After that, it is expected to warm up a bit and stay balmy for another week.  Nice! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 11, 2021

Howdy Y’all! So after a gray and drizzly week, it appears we have some wonderful weather coming in the week ahead. Highs in the seventies; even approaching 80 by Friday and most importantly, ample sunshine! No frost is predicted for the next 2 weeks, not bad for mid-October! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 4, 2021

Hi folks, I imagine you all know what going on outside, so I’ll skip the weather report for this week. I managed to get one more big planting of mustard greens and radishes this past weekend. This is basically the end of the seed planting for this season. We are progressing well with digging our potatoes and gathering the last of the pumpkins and winter squash from the fields. We have thousands of pounds of a variety of squash and potatoes stored for distribution over the next six weeks and for the winter stock up share. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 27, 2021

Happy Fall, everyone! The days are becoming shorter, and the nights are getting cooler, and the brutal heat is over until next summer. I just hope the nights don’t get too cold anytime soon! The beans are still flowering and will continue to produce for a few more weeks if Mother Nature allows. The peppers are ripening prolifically – turning red, yellow, and orange, as soon will be the leaves. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 20, 2021

Hello Everyone! So, the fields have mostly dried out and the last two plantings of spinach I sowed have germinated well. Presumably we will have some spinach for you in a month or so. In the mean time we have beautiful arugula and broccoli raab and some nice lettuce. We are busy digging potatoes and bringing in the enormous pumpkin and winter squash crop. We also have beets and carrots, whose tops have died back, to get out of the field and into the cooler. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 13, 2021

Hi Folks! So, as best I can tell we received between 12 and 14 inches of rain from the two storms over the last ten days. This is equal to a quarter of the average annual rainfall for our area! The damage has taken some time to manifest itself. We lost about a half an acre of sweet corn, a few thousand fall brassica plants, and virtually all the field tomatoes. We were unable to use tractors for cultivation until yesterday, so now we are battling the weeds that have overtaken a few crops. We lost the third planting of summer squash because it was in a low area that stayed saturated for too long. Fortunately the fourth planting is just starting to produce, so we expect to have zucchini for you over the next couple of weeks. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 6, 2021

Hello All! I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day long weekend. As I always say, here on the farm we just labor away, there is no time for rest or days off right now. My crew and I have been working seven days a week the entire season; we get to rest during the winter months! (more…)