Farm News- October 30, 2008

Hello Everyone,
We received some needed rain this past weekend; almost 3 inches it would appear. It’s been 2 weeks since the last precipitation and we had begun moving the sprinklers around again. While the remaining crops will certainly benefit from the moisture, the ground is now so wet that it is making it difficult to harvest the rest of the potatoes.
More rain is predicted for this evening and tomorrow; I’m hoping the weatherman is wrong!
We are shipping several less common items this week- celeriac or celery root, all Blue potatoes, and carnival squash. Celeriac can be cooked in soup or grated and used raw mixed with mayonnaise and/or mustard and onion to make a kind of a slaw. The All Blue potatoes have quite a loyal following at the markets, although I find them rather dry. Using them for mashed potatoes helps to solve this issue; will your children eat blue mashed potatoes? Carnival squash is a colorful variation on acorn squash and is cooked the same way. They make great decorations until you get around to cooking them! The share for this week will be: All Blue potatoes, radishes, celeriac, onions, choice of lettuce or escarole, carnival squash, choice of arugula or tatsoi, cauliflower or broccoli, and choice of an herb.
Farmer John