Farm News- July 16, 2009

Hello Folks,
We’ve been busy this past week trying to catch up with the planting and with the weeding that we were unable to get done this past month due to the rain.
I have almost finished planting the pumpkins and the winter squash.
On Monday I will finish up with planting the acorn squash and will also try to plant the edamame soybeans.
We have also begun to harvest the garlic and hang it in the barn to cure. We should finish that project as well early this week.
We have also been busy in the greenhouse planting broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other things for the fall crop. The tops on some of the onions have begun to die back so we will be starting the onion harvest next week.
The share for this week will be:
Romaine lettuce, Chinese cabbage, carrots, fresh garlic, peas, basil and choice of mustard or dandelion greens.
Farmer John