Circle Brook Farm

Farm News- October 22, 2009

Hi Folks,

We have gone very quickly from our first frost to our first snowfall, with about a half an inch of heavy wet snow blanketed the farm this past Thursday.

While there was no concern about damage to the remaining crops from the snow by virtue of the temperature, I was a bit worried about damage to some plants, especially the lettuces from the weight of the snow and its potential to break off leaves and branches. Fortunately this did not occur and we were spared a second round of snow that was predicted for Sunday.

With warmer temperatures expected this week I expect that many of the crops that have been growing very slowly will have a chance to size up this week.

The broccoli is still heading up rather sporadically, so although I had promised broccoli in the shares this week, it seems we will have to wait one more week.

We have harvested what was left of the peppers in the field before they could be damaged by the frosts. We will be distributing them over the next 2 weeks provided they are holding up. We also have hot peppers which we will be sending as an extra.

The share for this week will be:
Boston lettuce, peppers, white potatoes, red onions, choice of arugula or tatsoi, butternut squash, baby white salad turnips, and choice of an herb.

Farmer John