Farm News- November 24, 2009

Hello Folks,
We have been blessed with mild temperatures during these final weeks of the season and so will enjoy lots of nice greens right through next week’s final share.
I wanted to give everyone a cooking pumpkin for their holiday baking needs. Unfortunately our harvest of pumpkins was rather meager this season. I was able to find some local organic cheese pumpkins to buy, but they turned out to be much larger than anticipated and there were fewer in the bins. We will need to cut these in half for distribution, which I regret because once cut they will not keep as well. They should keep for 4 or 5 days unrefrigerated in a cool place or for several weeks in the refrigerator if you have the space. The best option is probably to cook them (steamed or baked) as soon as possible and freeze what you cannot use this week. They are great for pies, cakes, soups etc.
The share for this week will be:
Brussels sprouts, Boston lettuce, baby bok choy, cheese pumpkin, cipollini onions, leeks, white potatoes, spinach, choice of arugula or broccoli raab, parsnips, turnips, radishes, and broccoli or cauliflower.
Enjoy and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Farmer John