Farm News- September 20, 2012

Hi Folks,
The weather at the farm this past week has been, well, seasonable. We’ve been starting our days with chilly temperatures and heavy dew which keep us from getting to work in the fields much before 10 AM. Summer officially ends this week, but it’s already felt like autumn here on the farm for the past week or two. We received some much appreciated rain last Tuesday and are anticipating more for this Tuesday. The prediction is for heavy rain and strong storms, which is always worrisome. Strong winds on Saturday ripped the blossoms off of the Rattlesnake pole beans which will cause a gap in their production in the coming weeks.
The cooler weather means the heat loving summer crops have slowed in their production. We will still have peppers for a few more weeks but tomatoes and eggplant are coming to an end. We came up short on tomatoes at the end of last week and several groups did not receive them. We expect to have sufficient quantities to make up for that this week. The final summer squash planting is beginning to come on heavy so there will be a few in this week’s share and hopefully a bit more for next week. We are also temporarily out of herbs for this week as we wait for a planting of dill, cilantro and chervil to size up.
The good news is that we are coming into greens season; the arugula is gorgeous right now and we have beautiful kale and bok choy. We are anxiously awaiting the beginning of the fall broccoli harvest and we may have enough for distribution to a few groups by the end of the week.
The share for this week will be:
Romaine lettuce, peppers, yellow potatoes, radishes, bok choy, arugula, red onions, beans, summer squash, and kale. We will have a few hot peppers and some beets as “extras” for this week.
Farmer John