Farm News – August 15, 2013

Hi Folks,
We received some very heavy rain this past week which has been very helpful for the rooting of the thousands of seedlings we have been transplanting and the germination of the hundreds of thousands of seeds I have recently planted. Spinach, arugula and radishes are already sprouting!
As we move into the fall we are working hard to get back into greens production. For this week we will have a choice of kale or Swiss chard. The summer planted lettuces have been starting to bolt at a very small size and we have had to cut them or lose them. We will be sending a small romaine and a small Boston lettuce this week. It will probably be this way for the lettuce for a few weeks until we get into some plantings that were not stressed by the extreme heat of July. We also have some small but nice heads of Savoy cabbage for you. Tomatoes are ripening by the ton so expect lots in the share this week. Melons as well, are ripening prolifically. We have more watermelons now, so some groups will receive those.
The share for this week will be: Carrots, choice of kale or chard, 2 small lettuces, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, choice of cherry tomatoes or ground cherries, Savoy cabbage, melons, choice of an herb (parsley, chives, or thyme), white onions, and yellow potatoes.
We will continue to send okra and tomatillos as extras as well as a few other miscellaneous items.
Enjoy! Farmer John