Farm News – November 29, 2013

Hello everyone, Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah!
It is always good to give thanks. It doesn’t matter what your religious beliefs are, or if you are an agnostic or a secular humanist. Even in the most difficult times there is much for which to be grateful. This year, for me at least there is more than ever to be thankful for. I am thrilled and happy to report that this Tuesday we had the closing on the farm purchase. I am the proud owner of a beautiful 80 acre property known as Circle Brook Farm. It is the culmination of a lifelong dream and ten years of hard work. I am so grateful to you the members for all your faith, support and kind words. I could never have succeeded without your help. I am especially grateful to those of you who demonstrated an even greater amount of confidence in me by prepaying for the 2014 season. I am very grateful to the core group members who put in so much time coordinating and organizing the CSA groups for relatively little compensation. I am thankful to have had a tremendous crew of workers this past season. My team worked so hard in all sorts of difficult conditions. I am thankful for the good weather; while not completely cooperative, it was at least not utterly disastrous. If only to indulge my sense of irony, I can report that we finally got a good rain on Wednesday.
It was a bountiful season and I am very satisfied with the good food we have been able to provide you and your families. I look forward to many more seasons of nourishing you and yours.
I wish you all a safe and healthy winter and Happy Holidays,
Farmer John